F Barnes News and Events

News and Events

Supporting The Coopers Company & Coborn School- Drama Production of 'Treasure Island'

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F Barnes sponsors The Coopers Company &  Coborn School at the forthcoming drama production of ‘Treasure Island’

Working to support one of our local schools is something that we are delighted to do. Having recently sponsored the U18 football team, watching and being involved in their progress has been fantastic. We hope they continue with their success.

We were also kindly invited to attend the Prizegiving evening  on the 15th December. Our Andrew Liddell who is a liveryman in the Worshipful Company of Coopers enjoyed the presentation with our latest member to join our team,  Kaylee Pleasance.  There were so many students to congratulate, it really was overwhelming to see how many were excelling at a particular subject or field of expertise.

We are now looking forward to supporting the drama production of ‘Treasure Island’.

The Clerk to the Govenors, Mrs Liz Evans advises  it is set to be ‘ an upbeat and unruly production of the classic tale of buccaneers and buried treasure, featuring a spectacular showcase of skills from our exceptional students’.

The show is on Monday 27th March – Thursday 30th March starting at 7pm with tickets costing just £7.00 each.

The school would love to see as many people there as possible so if interested in going along please click on the link below

Contact Coopers Coborn

Good luck to all the students and staff involved in this production, we shall all look forward to popping along to support you on the night.
