Sangeet Tatem, Jodi Hamlin and Rachael Fleet presented a talk on this subject which affects everyone at some point in their life. The talk was really well received and we were delighted to be of help to not only members of the Golf Club but to anyone that arrived on the evening.
The key points to note here are that to plan ahead SAVES COSTS and gives peace of mind.
It never costs as much as you think to organise your affairs !
Key topics were covered such as:
- Why should you make a Will?
- Who gets your money if you do not?
- Can a Will be challenged?
- What Tax will you pay?
- How do you protect your assets from going to the HMRC?
- Care Home Costs and how this may affect you
- What you can do if you have concerns about a family member’s mental capacity to deal with their affairs
The ladies each gave a brief presentation on a different subject and then there was an opportunity for general questions.
This was then followed by the team staying to spend time with anybody that needed specific questions answered in a private area. There is never any obligation at these events and they prove to be a golden opportunity of discussing any concerns without cost to you or your loved ones.
Please click on the the link below to see Jodi giving her talk on Powers of Attorney.
Jodi Hamlin Giving a Talk on Powers of Attorney
Please email if you are interested in coming along to the next free event.