F Barnes News and Events

News and Events

Proud Sponsors of Gidea Park & Romford Cricket Club

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F Barnes are delighted to announce the latest sponsorship of Gidea Park & Romford Cricket Club

The cricket club are members of the Shepherd Neame Essex League and are based at Gidea Park Sports Ground near Gallows Corner in the London Borough of Havering. 

The club runs 4 Saturday sides, 1 Sunday side and has a thriving and successful junior section with sides from U9 to U16. 

Those that know F Barnes are aware that we love nothing more than to be a part of the local community.  Our team get involved on all levels with our club partnerships and so the opportunity to work closely with both the club's team players and their families was perfect for us.

The youth team programme is fantastic and a great boost to the club.

Our Sangeet Tatem attended the recent Family Fun Day on July 14th and met with the chairman Barry Seager, Mayor and of course the clubs mascot Twinkle. Despite the weather being overcast it seemed everyone had a fabulous time.


If you see one of our team over the at the club please do not be a stranger, come over and say hello !

We will be holding a free event at the club soon which gives members and their families a chance to pop along and ask our advice on a number of subjects. The first event deals with the issue of Inheritance Tax, effectively planning for the future in terms of how to mitigate the amount of tax you will pay, what happens to your estate if you do not make a Will, what you can do if you are worried about an elderly parent and all related topics. See below for contact details.

Club Members receive 10% discount on all legal services. For more information on discounts and in regard to our forthcoming pop up advice seminar at the club contact Joanne Druce

For more information on the club please click Gidea Park & Romford Cricket Club or see their Facebook page

