What things are highlighted during 'Dying Awareness Week'?
Dying Awareness Week is traditionally held during May and is a week long campaign which gives us an unparalleled opportunity to place the importance of talking about dying, death and bereavement. The campaign is focused on putting these topics firmly on the national agenda.
Every year we have a theme and this year the theme is 'Are We Ready'?
So many of us put off planning for the future which can cause anxiety and this is simply not necessary. We would suggest you take a look at Sangeet's interview with Phoenix FM recently as they discuss all sorts of things that can be done so that you 'ARE READY' and can relax knowing your wishes will be carried out on your death and your loved ones are cared for.
To listen to Sangeets interview click
We offer fixed fees for making a Will with an extra discount for those wishing to prepare a Lasting Power of Attorney if done at the same time. This is often the simplest way to effectively plan ahead.
To take up this offer please contact Catherine Page quoting Dying Awareness Week