F Barnes News and Events

News and Events

FREE 30 Minute Consultation with our Family Solicitors

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January is seen as one of the busiest times for family solicitors with ‘Divorce Day’ appearing at the very beginning of the month.  This year the 4th January was labelled as divorce day, the day upon which lawyers receive more new divorce instructions than any other day in the year.

Typically what happens is that not all those seeking a divorce will call a solicitor that day but there will inevitably be an increase in divorce instructions during the course of January.

For those people considering filing for divorce Christmas holidays can mean there is more time to reflect on their family situation leading to a concentration on what their current domestic situation holds for them in the future.

At F Barnes we take the view that it is best if problems can be resolved as amicably as possible. We work closely with our clients and the mediation services to encourage resolution of disputes.

If you are concerned with any family issue F Barnes offer a FREE ‘ no obligation’ 30 minute consultation to help identify the best options for you and your family.

Family matters can be very complex and we often find that  our initial meeting clarifies the issues giving immediate peace of mind at what can be a difficult time.

For some simple advice relating to divorce and to meet our team please see our family page

