Thank you Romford Bowls Club for such a fantastic night on Friday at the Race Night. Team F Barnes had a great time, so nice to see so many familiar faces. Congratulations to Sarah who won our free Will on the night.
The night raised even more money for the club than last year.
Our Teresa was ecstatic when she was announced the winner of the prize jackpot of £350.
This was a great turn out with a sell out crowd.
We had some regulars from F Barnes attend with Stephanie and Katie on the leader board having supported for the last three years in a row. Well done ladies!
It has been a pleasure to sponsor and support the club over many years. Well done to Paul White for organising and all those that helped make it a success.
We look forward to seeing you Sarah when ever you are ready to cash in your prize, you looked surprised when you won in the clip below.
The club have a fantastic social side as well as a great bowling green so why not enquire about becoming a member via Dave King